The plots below highlight the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic in North Carolina, specifically how the age distribution of lab confirmed cases and deaths have evolved since March 2020. For both cases and deaths, the top chart shows the absolute distributions (counts), while the bottom chart shows the relative distributions (percents). To reduce the day-to-day volatility in the daily data, we smoothed the daily observations using a 7-day average (thus, each day’s value is the average of the seven prior days). Please note that this is a work in progress; specifically, we are missing some data from late-September to early-October, which is particularly affecting the daily deaths graphs (note the prominent spike in the 25-49 and 50-64 age groups). The charts below were updated using data from October 15, 2021.

Lab Confirmed Cases by Age Group

7 Day Case Rate per 1,000 people

Deaths by Age Group1

7 Day Death Rate per 100,000 people

  1. Please note that this is a work in progress; specifically, we are missing some data from late-September to early-October, which is particularly affecting the daily deaths graphs (note the prominent spike in the 25-49 and 50-64 age groups).↩︎