Below is a Zip Code-level map that presents the estimated number people currently infected with COVID-19. The values mapped are 1 in ___ residents of each Zip Code are currently infectious. We estimate the number of people currently infectious based on the number of cases reported in the last 10 days for each Zip Code (updated using data from October 6, 2021 to October 15, 2021), and our estimate of the current percent of cases in the state being confirmed based on testing volume (click here for more information). This map is based on a similar map from The COVID Tracking Project. The data are from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS). We will continue to update this map as new data become available.

Estimated number people currently infected with COVID-19, expressed as 1 in ___ residents. For example, if the mapped value is 100, our estimate is that 1 in 100 residents of this Zip Code is currently infected with COVID-19. For reference the current statewide estimate is 1 in 143 residents. To search for an address, city, or zip code, click on the magnifying glass on the top left. Click on the stack symbol (top right) to turn on/off a Roads layer.